Thursday, November 27, 2008

Alternative training...

On Monday's at lunch time a Nia instructor comes in to teach a class. It is part of my training regime - I need to be strong physically and mentally in order to complete this challenge!

What is Nia?
Nia is a personal growth, body-mind-spirit fitness program. It is a "living system" that works with the natural wisdom and intelligence of the body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

So what is it?
Nia is intended to deliver cardiovascular and whole-body conditioning. Nia teachers lead students through a series of 52 basic moves, each of which can be performed at three levels of intensity and three planes of movement, in each case, high, medium, and low. Nia classes are choreographed and accompanied by a wide variety of music styles.

Its great fun!
Our instructor - Tessie - has turned me into a "lifer" - well, I haven't yet missed a class.

For more information about classes contact Tessie at - she could bring Nia to your workplace!

And to help me achieve the $2500 needed in donations
Please make a donation today! DONATE NOW!

Warm-up Event...

Last night we had an impromptu event at the Brickyard!

The warm-up to the main event we will be holding at the Brickyard (December 19th) was useful for a variety of reasons.

  1. We received $85 in donations - even though there were only a handful of people there
  2. We indentified several promotional opportinuties we would need to employ at the big event in order for it to be more successful.
  3. The Brickyard has recently been revamped so it was a good opportunity to see the new layout/ decor.
  4. We were able to have beer and burgers on a School Night! Now that definitely warmed us up.

At 3pm, I got the call that one of the bands was playing at the Brickyard. So the Hood Team headed down to the Brickyard - in Etobicoke - after work.

The band has a host of toe-tapping, country-style sets, and they kindly offered to help us by having donations for the event while they were playing. We had a donation bucket Tammy walked around the bar.

As we walked around during the course of the evening we were told stories of people's struggles - it seems everyone has been touched by this disease. We even met a brave cancer survivor - who recounted the support Princess Margaret gave her during that difficult time.

A few beers, burgers, wings and a stir-fry later we were ready for the drive home. - Our heads buzzing with ideas for the December 19th, 2008!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why do I train inside?

You may be wondering why I train inside - wouldn't it be better to ride over the very escarpment I will be challenged with on the Ride day?

It is because most days the temperature does not go above 3/4 degrees and recently we have had snow storms, ice and freezing rain! Not the best of cycling conditions.

So I have brought my training inside! ... a good opportunity to learn how to use the clip-pedals - trust me I need the practice!

Worried you will be subjected to seven months of photos of my indoor training - fear not! My training includes a range of sporting activities including aerobics, tai chi and the favourite of the month - my Wii Fit!

My rigorous training will be all worth it - when I complete my 200km ride from Toronto to Niagara Falls. Please help me reach my goal by donating to the Princess Margaret Ride to Conquer Cancer. DONATE TODAY!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ride to Conquer Cancer training

The Ride to Conquer Cancer benefiting The Princess Margaret Hospital, is a cycling journey from Toronto to Niagara Falls - a distance of over 200 km - that I am embarking on to fight cancer.

Visit the website to make your donation or for more information.

Ed and I have our bikes set up in his basement
- this will help us train for the event over the winter months.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Journey Begins...

The Ride to Conquer Cancer benefiting The Princess Margaret Hospital, is a cycling journey from Toronto to Niagara Falls - a distance of over 200 km - that I am embarking on to fight cancer. My team - onTaRiO pEdAL pusherS - led by Ed Carey has begun training for this event.

In order to enter the ride we each must raise $2500 by June 2009. Funds raised in The Ride to Conquer Cancer will support breakthrough research, exemplary teaching, and compassionate care at The Princess Margaret Hospital, one of the top 5 cancer research hospitals in the world.

Visit the website to make your donation or for more information.